Services We Offer




Over the years of being in the industry, we’ve made sure to have a lineup of services. We offer a huge range. Web Design is probably our best specialty, but there are many others as well.

Website Design and Marketing

Do you have a passion for something, and would you like a Website to Promote it? If you would like a Personal Website, then we can assist you. Alternatively, is it for Business Purposes? We have a range of Solutions that could cater for your needs. Feel free to use the Contact Form, and we will respond very quickly. Depending on your location, we may be able to visit you face to face and answer all of your questions.

Online / Offline Advertising Systems

After you create your Website, you will definitely want to Advertise and Promote your Website. This may be achieved by both Online and Offline Advertising Systems. We can even promote your Website to real people and decision makers. We can do this via word of mouth advertising, or telephone marketing. This is done in a very different way, and it is highly effective. The object is to promote a local Website to local people in the same area. This works very well and effective.

Senior Citizens Discounts

Do you have a passion that you wish to promote? Or would you like to promote and sell a product or service online? Sometimes Senior Citizens would appreciate a chance to help balance the monthly budget. A good Website may help achieve this goal. Why not Contact Us and discuss your idea and we may be able to help you put it all together! We offer Free Design Ideas and answer common questions. This would help you to decide.

If you are the holder of a "Senior Citizens Card" you will be pleasantly surprised to hear, that there is a discount on offer. This may be in the order of approximately 30-35% off the regular price. Each Website Design is 'different' and the price may vary but rest assured that we do reduce the price in those circumstances.

Free Quote / Free Design Ideas

We always try to offer Free Design Ideas. Depending on your location, we may be able to come and visit with you face to face. If not, our work is Australia Wide. It is easily done over the phone and Emails communicate all of the needed information.

We have other systems on offer as well. Custom Solutions...

Telephone Marketing


Telephone Marketing or Word of Mouth is one of the most powerful and effective forms of Marketing your Product or Service. We can Promote You. It can be either a Service or Product. Feel free to call us.

Real Estate Agents


We have specialised in Real Estate for the past four years. We have actively worked with Agencies across Sydney. We help source Buyers and Sellers. We also organise Market Appraisals, and Management opportunities.

Digital Online / Offline


We can also build stunning websites, and promote them on your behalf. We use both Online and Offline Marketing Systems. We employ all sorts of marketing systems, including word of mouth phone marketing.

Creative Advertising


We can help advise in both Offline and Offline Systems. They can be highly creative and can be a very powerful method to promote your business.


Brand Identity


Our Marketing can help retain your Brand Name. If we use Telephone Marketing, then we do the Promotion under your name. This will insure all future enquiries can be direct to your business.


Public Relations

We are highly effective and public relations is a top priority. We maintain good relations with the public on your behalf. Why not give us a call, and we can discuss any potential business proposal.



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Note: We have more Custom Solutions

"Seniors Card" Discount - ALL Websites & Scripts

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Note: Do not pay unless you have our Email

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Note: Discount needs to be applied manually

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